An analysis of slang words found in the song lyrics of katy perry mtv unplugged album


  • Ni Kadek Mega Sintya Nopitasari Mahasaraswati University Denpasar
  • I Made Iwan Indrawan Jendra Mahasaraswati University Denpasar
  • Dewa Ayu Devi Maharani Santika Mahasaraswati University Denpasar



slang word, types of slang, meaning of slang


Slang is very informal language or specific words used by a particular group of people. Slang words are usually spoken more often in emails or other written text. This included song lyrics. The study aims to analyze the types of slang and the meaning of slang words from the song lyrics of Katy Perry songs in MTV Unplugged album. This study used a descriptive qualitative method. The selected song lyrics by Katy Perry were chosen as the data source. Descriptive study in textual analysis is applied to elaborate the types and meaning which occur in song lyrics on MTV Unplugged Album. The theory proposed by Partridge (1984) was referred to analyzing the types of the slang words and the theory proposed by Leech (1981) for the meanings of the words. Based on the data were 16 words of society slang, slang in theater have 1 data, cockney slang have 2 data, public house slang have 1 data and 1 data from slang in art. Meanwhile, based on the theory of Leech (1981) this study found conceptual meaning occurred with 14 data, connotative meaning occurred with 6 data, and reflected meaning occurred with 1 data. There is no data that can be classified into social meaning, affective meaning, collocative meaning, and thematic meaning.


Chapman, Robert L. 1988. A Dictionary of American Slang. London:Harper & Row Publisher Inc

Leech, Geoffrey.1981. Semantics The Study of Meaning Second Edition, Penguin Books

Yule, George.2006. The Study of Language.3rd Edition.

Wahyuningsih, Putu Arista. 2019. “ An Analysis of Slang Words in Song Lyrics by Bruno Mars on the 24K Magic Album”. (Thesis) Denpasar : English Study Program of Foreign Languages Mahasaraswati University Denpasar.

Partridge (1945). The New Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English: A-l. Taylor & Francis

Eric Patridge (1984: 85). Reference Sources For Small and Medium-sized Libraries. American Library Association

Suputra’s (2015) thesis entitled “Study of Slang Words in Ride along Movie”

Sari (2010) thesis, entitled “An analysis of Slang Language Type in Rush Hour 2 Movie”.

Dewi (2019) article, entitled “ An Analysis of the Slang Words Used in Movie The Heat by Katty Dippold”.



How to Cite

Nopitasari, N. K. M. S., Jendra , I. M. I. I., & Santika, D. A. D. M. (2022). An analysis of slang words found in the song lyrics of katy perry mtv unplugged album. Journal of Language and Applied Linguistics, 3(2), 284-294.